Welcome to PracTacular HOME DiY where we are all about helping the just getting started HOME DiYer overcome the unknowns of tools and materials by teaching PRACtical methods and techniques that get specTACULAR results every time. 

No matter what size, shape or style of HOME you live in, 

No matter if you rent, own, or share that HOME,

No matter what skill level or experience you have,

we are here to encourage and teach you everything we know in hopes that we will ignite a lifelong passion for HOME DiY. We also want to help you experience the joy and deep satisfaction that is gained when we build things with your own two hands.

If you’re just beginning your HOME DiY Journey, this is the place for you.  We focus on helping the “never befores” and the “I’m just getting starteds” learn the foundational skills so that a lifetime of fun HOME DiY experiences can be made.  

Our Mission: To encourage the creator-builder in all of us to DO more and dream BIGGER.  Because if we can dream iT,  we can design iT.  And if we can design iT, we can BUILD iT!